"She was drunk. She showed up at ten o'clock in the morning for the first read-through, and she was bombed. She was drinking straight vodka from this silver flask, and she was drinking it in front of the kids. She was saying all the words, but it was like she was a robot. About lunchtime, Joan passed out cold, and that did it. As soon as she woke up, I fired her." - Lucille Ball on Joan Crawford
"Miss Dunaway is not a professional at all! She's always late and doesn't know her lines. No, she is impossible and everyone in the industry knows it." - Bette Davis
"Too thin is too thin, especially when you get older and all the veins show...Diana Rosslooks like she just arrived from Ethopia." - Dame Judith Anderson
"Too thin is too thin, especially when you get older and all the veins show...Diana Rosslooks like she just arrived from Ethopia." - Dame Judith Anderson
"Miss Dunaway is not a professional at all! She's always late and doesn't know her lines. No, she is impossible and everyone in the industry knows it." - Bette Davis
"She was drunk. She showed up at ten o'clock in the morning for the first read-through, and she was bombed. She was drinking straight vodka from this silver flask, and she was drinking it in front of the kids. She was saying all the words, but it was like she was a robot. About lunchtime, Joan passed out cold, and that did it. As soon as she woke up, I fired her." - Lucille Ball on Joan Crawford