After a few months in Los Angeles and a few auditions, Jeremy booked the role of "Young Adam Meiks" in "Frailty," a feature film directed by Bill Paxton. "Bill had been one of my favorite actors so to be able to work with him was unbelievable," says Jeremy.
After a worldwide search, Jeremy was chosen to play "Peter" in the P.J. Hogan version of Peter Pan. This was one of the most coveted roles in films for a teen actor in recent years. "It was a part that I really wanted," says Jeremy, "since I'd be able to fight pirates and fly around the stage on wires." Jeremy trained extensively in sword fighting and gymnastics prior to shooting the movie in Australia.
Clubhouse was Jeremy's first television series, a dream role since he had always loved baseball and played little league when he was younger. He played Pete Young.
He played Gavin Gore in The Sasquatch Gang
He played J.D. McCoy in "Friday Night Lights"
Next up for him is The Sons of Summer and Prep School.